Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years Eve!!
We are going to a party at our church tonight! I can't wait!
And my grandmother should come this Saturday!
Next week, we are starting back piano. And, I am going to start doing science with a few friends, which will make science a lot more fun! We are all doing Apologia General Science.
Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Our Christmas...


I hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas!

Christmas eve, Madeline gave me my present from her. It was a jewelery making kit! I love it so much! I worked on a bracelet for a while on Christmas Eve. I made several more this weekend.. I gave her the present from me(gel pens, a necklace, a headband and some m&m's).
And from my mom and dad, we got to open a Mario Cart Wii game! It is SUCH a fun game!! We all just love playing it. I also got a new red camera, MinuteMen, and a Narnia board game! Oh, and from my grandmother, a TV for our room! We haven't had Christmas with her yet, so this was an early present.

Now, only 3 more days until New Years!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Eve!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I can't believe it's Christmas Eve!!!! I am VERY VERY excited!!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Only 6 days until Christmas! I am so excited!
Nothing else has been happening, except for last week we went to Hailey's house. We made gingerbread houses! The girls made one and the boys made the other. It was SO hard to put together! You would think that you have finally iced it together, and try to decorate it, and it would fall apart. That was the bad part. FINALLY we got it to stay together, and we were able to decorate it. That was the fun part. :) The one that they boys decorated was the one that our family got to take home. They never finished it though. :)
And last Monday, we had our last piano lesson for 3 weeks. :( :( :(

Oh, and tomorrow we are doing Christmas with my Granny, Grampy and Aunt Amy. Yay!

Well, have a great weekend!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Several different things

Friday, I am having several friends over! I can't wait!! We are planning on making a lot of funny videos. I did that with my friend, Mallory, when we went to Texas. I look back and watched the... they were very funny! So were the videos at the sleepover. Anyway, I'll try to post the pictures, and videos... if we get any good ones! lol. We made several with my friends one day, and when I looked back at them, someone's finger was in the lense or the camera was bouncing up and down.. or we can't stop laughing! LOL!
We only have one more day in school, and we're off several weeks!
Well, we have a new Wii game, and they're asking for my help with it!! :O)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

More pictures of Sam and Cooper.... :)


The pictures of Luke's birthday are still not uploaded yet... but I will post them soon!! He had a lot of fun. We went to Chuck E Cheeses, he picked out some new shoes, and then Aunt Meg and Uncle Chris came over.

Here are some pictures of Sam and Cooper...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday

I'll try to post pictures later!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Random Things......

Only two more days 'till Thanksgiving! I can't wait!!!!! :o)
I started a story with Anna Beth! I put it on my links (The Journals of Bethie and Allison). I really like working on it!
Today and yesterday are the only days we have to do school!!! :O)
Well, sorry for such a short post, but I have to go get started on school!
Have a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted in a while!
I decided that on my other blog, I will mostly post tags...and on this blog, I'll post pictures and about stuff that I've been doing!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kreativ Blogger

Olivia gave me the Kreativ Blogger award!! Thanks Olivia!
Now, I'm supposed to type 6 random things about me....
1. I love to sew, but I am not good at it! Several times I have started a project, but stop paying attention(I'll be watching TV or something), and mess it completely up. Even if I do pay attention, I'm still not good.
2. I think crocheting is much easier, then sewing. I have made several purses, pouches, and doll rugs.
3. Sometimes I get in a mood where I write stories. I work on them so much, then get sick of it...and say I'll work on it some more later....but never do. I have about 5 that I have started but never finished.
4. My favorite birthday was my 13th. I had Emily and Leslie over. Then we went to see Prince Caspian. It was SOO fun, and one of my favorite days ever!!!!
5. My favorite day of the week is Monday. Mondays are piano, and once a month, Keepers!!!
6. My least favorite chore to do, is cleaning the bathrooms. :P
Now I have to tag 6 people

Monday, November 3, 2008

Some good books

Here are some of my favorite books!

Understood Betsy- I love this book so much! We read it last year, for our Sonlight read aloud. We would read chapter after chapter in this book, because everyone begged for more.

The Chronicles of Narnia series- Written by my favorite author: C.S. Lewis!I read these books in first or second grade. My first one to read was The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I was so happy when I found out they were making a movie of Narnia!

A Little Princess- Another read aloud book. It was VERY good!

The Witch of Blackbird Pond- I love this book! it was written by one of my favorite authors: Elizabeth George Spear. We just finished it, and I did not want to!!

There are a bunch of books, but I can't think of them. :0) Our current read aloud is Johnny Tremain.

Well, I have to go get ready for piano! Be sure to check out my new blog! I will be posting on both. On this blog I'll be posting more pictures, and things like this post.

Have a great week!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I created a new blog on HomeSchoolBlogger!
I hope you'll check it out!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Another tag..

Alaina tagged me! :o)

Who are your favorite authors?
CS lewis, who is my favorite, Elizabeth George Spear and others
What is your favorite movie?
Narnia and MinuteMen
If you could live any where in the world where would it be?
New York!
What is your least favorite food(s)?
Hmm... Tuna Fish :P
What is you least favorite movie?
My least favorite movie.... Barney movies and most all cartoon movies
Who is you favorite actress or actor?
Luke Benward and all the Narnia actors
What do you do when your bored?
Journal, blog, watch TV, play on the computer, write stories and a lot more
What is your favorite color?
Green and purple
least favorite color?
Who are you going to tag?
Hannah, Hailey and Stacie

A fun tag...

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Daughter
2. Sister
3. Babysitter
4. Christian

B) four movies I could watch over and over
1. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
2. Prince Caspian
3. MinuteMen
4. Hmm.... I don't really know lol

C) Four Places I have lived
1. Mississippi
2. Lousiana
D) Four things I like to do.
1. Journal
2. Play piano
3. Hang out with friends and family
4. Read

E) Four places I have been on vacation
1. Disney World
2. Nashville
3. Kentucky
4. Texas

F) Four websites I visit daily (or frequently)
1. My email
2. My blog
3. All my friends' blogs
4. All the Narnia sites

G) Four of my favorite foods
1. Potato soup
2. All kinds of cookies
3. All kinds of candies.

H) Four places I would like to be right now
1. On the couch playing Harvest Moon LOL
2. In my room, writing in my pass it on journals
3. Outside swinging
4. In the school room drawing

I) Four friends I think will respond
1. Ashley
2. Kara Beth
3. Maddy
4. Olivia or Julie

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

PIANO! Plus, another person to do journals with

Yesterday was piano! As always, we had a lot of fun! I am going to do journals with Emily! We are only going to have one journal. Yesterday, after piano, I spent a while writing in all my journals. That is probably (besides piano, crocheting and sewing) my favorite hobby. I also love making crafts to put in the journal! My favorite things to put in the journals are:drawings, bookmarks and doorhangers! Madeline does journals with 3 people, but still writes like 3 times a day! :>) But, she only has 1 journal with Allie and Leslie. If you don't do pass it on journals with one of your friends, you definitely should!

And we're still playing Harvest Moon like crazy!!!

Have a great week!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today was the first Saturday park day! It was a lot of fun!
First, Hailey was there. After a little while, Ashley and Kara Beth came! We walked around and talked a lot. I was very glad that they were able to come! I am doing journals with Ashley now. YES I do journals with a lot of people; Mackenzie, Ashley, Anna Beth, and I write one letter in the journal a week to Leslie. After they left, I hung out with Hailey, and Madeline hung out with her friend Cara. We had so much fun! At 4:30, we left. We always go out to eat afterwards, when we see Hailey. So we went to Danvers. Madeline and Logan decided they wanted to meet on Webkinz. Whenever Logan and Madeline play on Webkinz, Hailey and I talk on the phone, about whose going to win the checkers game or Linkd game. After Logan and Madeline got off, Hailey and I met on Webkinz. We played for a little while, and we were still talking on the phone, and then got off.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Celebration Village

Last night, my mom, my Aunt Meg, and me all went to Celebration Village!
When we got out of the car, it was just cloudy, and we didn't think it would rain, so we didn't bring an umbrella. We shopped for about 2 1/2 hours. We saw a lot of people we knew, and I saw several of my friends. Aunt Meg bought me a necklace that comes with these adorable earrings! They are so cute! I will try to take a picture of them. When we were about to leave, we find out that it was pouring down raining! So, we had to RUN in the rain. And we parked in the very back. :P Anyway, it was a lot of fun.

We are still addicted to Harvest Moon. Especially my mom and me. We try to wake up early, to get on before eachother. My mom is always the one that wakes up the earliest. And last night we stayed up VERY LATE, playing Harvest moon. :)

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today, I went to the orthodontist. Everything was good and I don't have to go back for another year! That will be my last appointment! But, I still have to wear my nighttime retainer, and I have a wire on the back of my bottom teeth. My orthodontist said that he will never tell me not to wear the retainer, but he wants me to wear it at least 4 or 5 more years. And as for the wire(It keeps my bottom teeth from shifting), I have to wear it until I just can't stand it. That's also a couple more years.... Luckily neither of them bother me. The wire, at first, was annoying and felt prickly, but now I don't notice it. And wearing the retainer at night has just become a habit so I am used to that.

Also, Madeline had an eye appointment today. Apparently her eyesight has gotten worse, and needs new glasses. She has had the pair that she wears now since she was 6 or 7. So, today she went and picked out a pair. They are black with white flowers on the sides. She will get them Monday or Friday.

Tomorrow is Celebration Village! This will be my third time to go. I am going with my mom and my Aunt Meg. I can not wait! Celebration Village is one of my favorite things about October! :O)

And Saturday is The Race for the Cure and park day! My mom and dad are running the race, then we go to park day. This is the first Saturday park day, so I hope some people come!!
Here are some pictures from Lainey's birthday!

Lainey at Chuck E Cheese

Mom and Lainey with the cake

Blow out the candles!!

The fondant cake Mom made! I really like it!

Another pic of Lainey with her cake

I just love this picture! This was taken while we were waiting for my dad to come home so we could go to Chuck E Cheese.

Lainey and Luke on a truck ride at Chuck E Cheese

Luke on a ride that Lainey refused to go on. lol

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yesterday was Lainey's 8th birthday! She had a great day! First she opened some presents. Then Mama made a beautiful(and delicious!) fondant cake. After mom finished the cake, Madeline and me went went to piano. We came home and played the Wii for a little while, and then went to Chuck E Cheese. After Chuck E Cheese, we went to the mall for a few minutes then we came home. Aunt Meg and Uncle Chris came over and we had cake and ice cream. I will post pictures as soon as they are loaded on the computer.

The Cheetah Girls concert Friday was soooooooooooo much fun! Two other bands played before them. The first one was called 535. I had never heard of them. They were not my favorite...... :P They were young, probably 11 or 12, maybe even younger. After 535 the Clique Girlz played. I had heard of them. I think they are ok. My mom didn't care for either. FINALLY the Cheetah Girls came out. It was SOOOOOO LOUD!!!! Not the music but the screaming! Anyway the Cheetah Girls played a lot of their songs, and there was a lot of effects. Like things that lifted them up high. They changed outfits a lot- and they did it sooo quickly!!! It was a very fun day. Madeline said that it was one of her happiest days ever! Lainey chose to stay home from the concert, so she, Luke and Dad had a date night. They went like everywhere- to get ice cream, rode the carousel at the mall, and more! They had a lot of fun.

The Wii game that I have been playing nonstop is Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. It is SOOO fun! It is similar to Animal Crossing. This game you can get married, have kids, have a farm, and solve some mystery. I haven't really gotten anything about the mystery, except for the first clue so I don't know about that- the mayor has only mentioned it once. LOL.
I probably like this more than My Sims.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here are some of the pictures my mom took at the field trip!!
The first one shows me reading something out loud. I did not enjoy doing that!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bethie tagged me!

Who are your favorite authors? C.S Lewis and Elizabeth George Spear (but if I had to pick just one, C.S. Lewis) .
What is your favorite movie? Prince Caspian
If you could live any where in the world where would it be? Well... I never want to move, but if I had to.. New York.
What is your least favorite food (s)?Tuna Fish :P

What is you least favorite movie? All the Barney movies :P and Cinderella movies.
Who is you favorite actor? Georgie Henley and Luke Benward

What do you do when your bored? Journal and get on the computer
What is your favorite color? green and Purple
least favorite color? Yellow
Who are you going to tag? Abigail and Madeline

Monday, October 13, 2008

A fun field trip

Today, we went to a field trip

with out homeschool group! It was a lot of fun!!! We went to American Village. We had to wake up at 5 AM! But, once I got there I was not even tired(and I am not tired now!!!).

Ashley, KaraBeth, Anna Beth, Mackenzie, and Rachel were all there. We were divided into two groups. Virgina and Massachusetts. I was in Virgina with most of my friends.

I said that I would take a lot of pictures. But I only took one. :P

A replica of the Liberty Bell!

After we finished all of the tour thing, we went had a picnic lunch (Inside). And after our picnic lunch, we looked around a little bit more, then we went to the gift shop. After buying some things in the gift shop, we drove three hours home.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I saw someone do this tag, and I wanted to do it! :O)

What was the last animal you saw? A puppy
What is the last sentence you saw? What was the last sentence you saw?
What is your hair style? Umm.. I usually wear my hair up in a clip.
Have you ever gone surfing ( ocean, not web )? No, I want to though!
Are you scared of spiders? YES!
What colour is your favourite pair of shoes? Brown
Do you wish you could have seen a dinosaur before they went extinct? No.
What is your middle name spelt backwards? eiznekcam
What is the fist thing you think of when you hear fireworks? New Years.
What question R U on? 10
What is the last time you laughed? Now.
What did you eat on your last birthday party? Pizza and cake
Are you wearing any makeup? Not currently but I do wear makeup
Have you answered "don't know " to any of these questions? No
Have you ever dreamed you were a character in a movie? No I have not
Did you answer that question? Yes.
What is right in front of you? The computer and a camera
Is this tag weird? No
Who will you tag? Bethie, Julie, Olivia and Ashley


I changed my blog look. THIS time I am satisfied with it. I have done this blog look before, but I think I changed it before anyone could see it! lol. If you haven't noticed, I love to change my blog look. I get sick of it very easily. I don't know why, now that I know how to change my own blog look, I change it so much. I went a year without changing it.

I am SOOO excited about the field trip to American Village! I have never been, and several of my friends will be there. The only thing is that since we will be at American Village, we will miss piano.

I also can't wait for the next season of American Idol. I don't think that last year was even a memorable year for American Idol. The most memorable year, for me, was the year that Taylor Hicks won.

Have a good rest of the weekend!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cheetah girls

My sister, Madeline, is the BIGGEST Cheetah Girls Fan EVER!!!!
So, she is thrilled, because in a week ( next Friday), Mom, Madeline and me are all going to a Cheetah Girls concert!!! She is counting down the days! She has loved the Cheetah Girls since the beginning!!
I will try to take some pictures at the concert.

We have a field trip for our homeschool group Monday. I can't wait!! I will also try to take pictures there, lol.

Have a GREAT weekend!


Bethie has started a blog!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooo glad!!!! :O)

Click here to check it out! It is really cool!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

MORE pictures

This is my favorite picture....

I also love this picture...

A great time at Keepers!

Last night was Keepers! We had a great time!!!
Mrs. Ginger (Emily's mom and my piano teacher) taught our group at Keepers. We learned about Volleyball. It was really fun! We had a lot of time to talk! :O)
Bethie had just got back from Disney World, so we talked about that for a bit. We also talked about Narnia. We passed journals ( which is always a fun! :O) ). We have already filled up 2 journals! I got to see my friend Ashley ( who I rarely get to see), I got to see, Olivia and Julie, Bethie, my friend Mackenzie, Emily, and several others.
I LOVE doing Keepers!

Have a great day!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Our internet has been down, and the cable guy just came and fixed it! It is amazing what you can't do without the internet!! LOL. Ours was down since yesterday morning.

Our Grandmother left yesterday. :( We are always SOOOOOOOO sad when she leaves!!!!!!!

I can not wait for The Suite Life On Deck. I am usually not excited about that ( or the Suite Life of Zack and Cody), but tonight a girl ( Jeannete) who was on MinuteMen is on it so I am VERY excited! Well.. I think it is her.. lol.. I only saw like a 5 second shot of her... I hope it is!! :O)

Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Okay, this is (finally) the blog look that I like!! Lol.

My Grandmother leaves tomorrow :( We have had alot of fun while she is here!! Yesterday, we went shopping!! Today we are going to take Sam to Pets mart!!

Keepers is Monday night! I can't wait! We also have piano on mondays, so we get to see Emily and Leslie twice!! :O)

I will try to write more later!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I changed my blog look!! :o)
I will not be keeping this one for a long time. It does not go well with my Voyage of the Dawn Treader count down thing. Lol. :O)

Have a Great day!

Monday, September 29, 2008

More Puppy Pictures

Here are some more pics of Sam!

His favorite toy

Mom and Sam!

Grandmother is coming tonight! She is going to LOVE Sam!!! I hope she does not change her mind and decide to go ahead and take Sam home! Lol.

Have a great day!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A new puppy, crocheting pictures.. FINALLY, and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader

So, yesterday, we went to pick up Sam.
There were 3 boys(that is what my Grandmother wanted). It was SUCH A HARD DECISION!!!!! They were all SO sweet! But here is some pictures of the one we did pick!

Sam and big brother Cooper

Finally, here is a picture of my crocheting. I was going to have 2 other things to post, but one I was not satisfied with, and started over, and one I have not finished. I took about 5 pictures of my little pouch, but every single time it came out blurry. This is the best one. I will try to take a better picture.

And, you may have noticed my Voyage of the Dawn Treader countdown. Only 616 days 15 hours, 15 minutes, and 38 seconds! LOL

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Saturday we are going to pick up a puppy for my Grandmother. It will be one of Cooper's brothers. She is going to name is Sam and my family is going to raise it for her until Christmas!!

So we have a couple of months with it. But at least when we visit Grandmother we will get to see it. :O) I will bring my camera and take pictures of the dogs......

Speaking of my camera, I will take the pictures of my crocheting this weekend, BECAUSE I wanted to finish a project I am working on.

Here is a recent picture of Cooper....

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Piano and Journals!

Today was piano! Madeline and Leslie started a journal, but they are only having one journal. Madeline and Julie swapped theirs.

I was about to take pictures of my crocheting BUT the camera is out of batteries!!!!! SO I will have to recharge it :P.

I think that crocheting is MUCH EASIER than sewing.

Friday, September 19, 2008

More crocheting....

After looking at Stacie's ,Autumn's , Olivia's and Julie's things that they crocheted, it inspired me to do some crocheting. So I taught myself how to do crochet a pouch. It also has a button. I want to do a larger purse, but I am out of yarn(except for this white one I am using to crochet a baby blanket.) I will post pictures soon of the pouch. It is green and white.

Have a great weekend!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hey Everybody!

Today was piano. :O) :O) :O) :O)

Madeline and Julie are doing the journals now. They swapped them today.

It is finally getting a little cool outside!!!!!

Have a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Last night was VERY fun! We had a picnic with the homeschool group. Alot of my friends were there. We played volleyball for a little while too.
I took some pictures, but I had the flash off, so they did not turn out.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holly and Katie at the 2 Sister's blog gave me this AWESOME award! Thank you!

Here are the official blog award rules:
1.The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate up to 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated.
Here in no particular order are the people that I am nominating.

Hannah at Made By Hannah

Ashley at About Ashley

Alaina (private blog) at Wandering the Meadows

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Yesterday was SOOOO much fun!
First we went to piano.
Then a little while later, we went to Keepers! It was SO fun! We learned about herbs. We also got to try some delicious food made by herbs! Alot of my friends were there, and I exchanged journals with Bethie!

Have a great day!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hey everyone!!!!!

Monday we will start Keepers. I am Very
Excited. VERY
Alot of my friends do it!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I did a new blog look! How do you like it?

Monday, September 1, 2008

I changed my blog look!!!!!! :)
Have a great Labor Day!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

This is a video I made. It starts out with pictures I took like a year ago. And then the pictures of me and Anna Beth(Bethie) were taken today! Some of the last pictures are of us. I went over to Anna Beth's house today and it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
much fun!!! We did our pass it on journals and made pizza and talked. Alot. :) :)

Also in this video, I've got pictures of Olivia, Julie, Emily and Leslie.

Hope you enjoy!!!

Update: The credits I did a long time ago so it only said starring: Mallory, Allie, Madeline, Katelyn, but it should also say Olivia, Julie, Emily, Leslie and Anna Beth. :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is Madeline's friend Allie. Madeline is doing journals with her.

Does anyone else do pass it on journals??

Monday, August 25, 2008

Today was PIANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was very fun. We got to talk to Emily and Leslie alot. And for a few minutes I got to talk to Olivia and Julie. And take pictures.

Madeline does pass it on journals with Allie now, and she might do it with Leslie.
I only do it with Anna Beth. LOL

Have an awesome day!

One word meme

One Word Meme.
1. Where is your cell phone? None
2. Where is your significant other?...
3. Your hair color? red
4. Your mother? painter
5. Your father? working
6. Your favorite thing? Narnia
7. Your dream last night? Cool
8. Your dream/goal? actress
9. The room your in? livingroom
10. Your hobby? several
11. Your fear? Heights
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? college
13. Where were you last night? Church
14. What your not? sad
15. One of your wish list items? Cellphone
16. Where you grew up? MS
17. The last thing you did? Ate
18. What are you wearing? clothes
19. Your T.V.? off
20. Your pet? asleep
21. Your computer? Dell
22. Your mood?Hyper
23. Missing someone? No
24. Your car? none
25. Something your not wearing? sweater
26. Favorite store? Claire's
27. Your summer? Awesome!
28. Love someone? yes
29. Your favorite color? Green
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? umm
32. Who you want to tag? Everyone!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Random pictures!!!!


Here are some pictures......

My wall! It has stuff Anna Beth gave me in the journal and Narnia pictures. I have alot more stuff but I couldn't fit it all in one picture. LOLYes, my dresser is very messy. LOL

The journal I am writing in! The one Anna Beth is writing in is green.

My 4 disk edition narnia!

Mallory at her house.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I changed my blog look! I love it!

We are back from Texas! It was really fun! We stayed up late, and watched movies!! We watched Narnia(of course lol), Enchanted, and Horton hears a Who.

Madeline is REALLY excited about Cheetah Girls:One World tonight!!!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

So I did a new blog (Non Narnia theme) because I couldn't find any good pictures that would work as a back ground. I will get the 2 other kids a blog look dedicated to them when I get back from Texas. But until then, this will have to work! LOL

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New look! Part 2!

Here is my layout dedicated to William! (Peter)
As soon as I do all the narnia related themes, I have one that I Really think is cute. I did it a while ago.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Do you like my new blog look?? I just thought I would do one inspired by Anna P.'s red dress.
My aunt said she thought Anna's dress was very pretty. Susan is actually one of my least favorite characters. But I think people were getting sick of my old theme so I decided I was going to make a theme inspired by each of the kids (well they are not kids anymore lol)

I think my Georgie theme will be the best!
Yesterday Anna Beth came over. We had soo much fun! We exchanged our pass it on journals.
I Love doing them! (thanks for all the Great stuff Anna beth! Sorry I forgot to put most of the stuff that I meant to give you in the journal!)

8 more days until Texas!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More of Mom's pictures

Here are some of mom's newest ones...

My favorite! But it sold :(
Upclose of the bird...

This is my second favorite!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Today we went over to Hailey's house. We swam for a bit, then went inside and worked on our book. It is going to be about a family called the Krazees. There will be 6 people in the family and a pet, mouse named AB.
I can't wait and hope we can get is published!!!!!!


Here are some recent pictures...

One of my mom's paintings. I love it! It is one of my favorites!

Our family and Uncle Chris and Aunt Meg...

Luke playing the Wii! He loves playing the Wii!

Today we are going over to Hailey's house.
Have a great day!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Here is the answer to the 'Which one is False'

1. I love doing cartwheels. False! I don't know how to do a cartwheel!
2. I don't like to sing in front of people. True.. I don't like doing it at all!
3. Being cold is one of the worst things for me. True... It makes me feel sick!

11 days until we go to Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008



I just realized that I had published my 100th post early!! It is my 99th post now....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Short Post

Since dad is out of town :( , Me and Madeline made


Here is my review of Dream Life

It is fun and addicting. If I start playing I could play for 3 hours.
It is awesome how you get to go to the mall and buy anything you want.
You get to have a 'Best friend'
The bad thing is that you do about the same thing everyday:Wake up, do chores, go to school(You don't get to see yourself do school time just passes), then go to the mall or go home and study.
Some of the clothes look really weird and there are not very good hair-do options.
If you play for long enough your friends start saying the same thing.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Which is false?
This should be hard.
1. I love doing cartwheels.

2. I don't like to sing in front of people.

3. Being cold is one of the worst things for me.
Ok I am going to do a new blog look. (I am saving my old one on my computer so I can put my old look back sometime :)
But I need some ideas. What kind of theme should my blog have?????

Have a great day!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Holly and Katie Have given me this blog award! Thank you! :)
Once an award is received,the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog .
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.

4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.

Most everyone I was going to has already been tagged. So I am only doing 4.

I am giving this award to:

Abigail(she has a private blog)



Hailey (She also has a private blog )

Friday, July 25, 2008


Will you please vote on my poll about my Narnia theme look?

Wednesday, Hailey and Madeline's friend Allie came over. After Allie left Hailey stayed a while. Hailey, me and Madeline decided to write a series of books. We already know what the characters will be like so hopefully the book will go well. We have been emailing ideas. I am actually not sure if it will become an actual book though so it might just be a series of stories. Quite long stories though lol! It would be cool if we got them published though!!

Is anyone going to watch the Hannah montana 3D concert? My friend Mallory got to see it in the theaters ( I wanted to soo bad lol!) So I am really glad that is it coming on TV!! We already have our 3D glasses.

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

100th post!

Yay! It is my 100th post!

So here is 100 things about me!

1. My favorite movie is Narnia

2.Everyone knows that.

3. It is my favorite book series.

4.I have read those books forever!

5.I can't wait for Prince Caspian to come out on DVD

6. I have money saved up for it even though it will come out around Christmas.

7. I am getting it the day it comes out.

8. I taught myself how to change my blog look.

9. I learned to do it in less then 5 minutes!

10. I like to redo my look ALOT!

11.I am NEVER EVER EVER going to ride in another air plane again.

12. I found it miserable.

13. I am scared of heights.

14.VERY scared

15.I love to play video games.

16. and on the computer.

17. I thought I was going to hate Camp Rock

18. But I actually loved it!

19. Not as much as Narnia though.

20. I loooooove the music on Camp Rock.

21.My whole family loves listening to it in the car.

22. I love all of the songs

23. Except for Hasta La Vista and What is Takes

24. I am excited for Camp Rock 2!

25. I really like Demi Lovato

26. and Selena Gomez.

27. I think the summer has gone by fast!

28. I love having friends over to swim.

29. That's my favorite thing about summer.

30. But I like the fall because I start back piano lessons.

31.I had a recital in May.

32. I was VERY nervous.


34.I want to go back to Disney World with my friends when I am 18.

35. I think it would be fun.

36. We are going to Texas in August

37.This is my 2nd time to go there.

38. I can't wait.

39. Our great friends' live there

40. It is going to be a 12 hour drive.

41. But I don't mind.

42. One of my favorite places to go it Nashville.

43. I have been there twice.

44. I loooove going to Nashville's mall.

45. I love emailing

46. This August my blog will be 1 year old!

47. I am not good at handwriting

48. I prefer typing! lol

49. I am not good at drawing either

50. But I like drawing

51. I have had several cats

52.My first one was a black cat named Lucy

53. I was about 5 or 6

54. We were going to pets mart just to look

55. I saw her and begged for her.

56. So we got her.

57. When we got home I didn't like her

58. She was too scary LOL

59. So the next day we took her back.

60. Then we got a Calico

61. She was very mean.

62. Then a neighbor came and asked to adopt her,

63. We let him

64. Then we got Milo

65. I loved him

66. We was really sweet

67. But then another neighbor came over one night.

68. He apologised and said he ran over him.

69. I was really really sad.

70. Then one night my mom found Ella.

71. She fed her hot dogs and milk.

72. We have had her for several years

73. She is still not a tame cat.

74. and tried to claw you if you hold her.

75. We got Cooper last summer.

76. My mom spent all last summer training him

77. He is a really well behaved dog.

78. But he still doesn't get alone with Ella.

79. My grandmother wants to adopt a boxer from the same breeder as Cooper.

80.I have had 2 hermit crabs

81. One I got for my 7th birthday

82. It was a one with a colored shell.

83. I named it PJ

84. I never even got pinched :)

85. Then I bought another one named Sam from Pet's Mart

86. PJ seemed to bully Sam lol

87.But I liked PJ the best

88. Lainey was apparently throwing Sam around with her friend when he got squished.

89.PJ lived about a year or two.

90.When I am older I want to be a Designer

91.Or an Actress

92.I keep a book full of my designs

93.When I was younger I wanted to be a veterinarian

94. I even planned having a 'Pet Shop' with my friends.

95. And when I was even younger I wanted to be an artist

96. I am running out of things to say

97.So I will do a few random things

98.My favorite candy is Rolos

99. and My favorite numbers are 13 and 18

100. I am finally done! lol

Monday, July 21, 2008


Today we started school. But not all of it. Just our Bible, Read Alouds, and History.
But at least we will be ahead! :D :D :D :D :D

We are having some friend's over tomorrow morning to swim!

The water in the pool is getting REALLY warm!

Have a great week!
I made this poll I hope you'll vote on it!!

What's your favorite candy?

Tootsie Rolls
Bubblegum or gum
M &M's
Suckers (lollipops)
None of the above

(View Results)

Create a Poll

Friday, July 18, 2008


Last night we went to a BarBque at our church. It was really fun!

Also today we are having our friends, Emily and Leslie over to swim!

I had these pictures saved and I meant to put these on his birthday but I forgot. :)

Cooper then.......

Cooper now!!!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I had to skip a few.. K is kinda a hard word to do.

1. Your Name:Katelyn

2. Famous singer/band: Kelly Clarkson

3. 4 letter word: kick

4. Street name: No Idea

5. Color: khaki

6. Gifts/presents: kite

7. Vehicle: Kia

8. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Knickknack

9. Boy Name: Kevin

10. Girl Name: Kasey

11. Movie Title: King kong

12. Drink: No Idea

13. An Occupation: Knight LOL

14. Flower: Kennedia

15. Celebrity: Kevin Jonas

16. Magazine:Keepsakes

17. U.S. City: Knoxville, TN

18. Pro Sports Team: I don't know

19. Fruit: Kiwi

20. Reason for Being Late for Work: kindness?? LOL

21. Something You Throw Away:Hmm.. I don't know anything for that one...

22. Things You Shout: Kittens! when you find out your cat had kittens! lol

23. Cartoon Character: Kim possible.

Monday, July 14, 2008

My blog is not private anymore. But that means I am having more friends(real life too) coming. I am having Olivia and Julie, and maybe Emily....

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I know my blog look isn't perfect but I was thinking that each week I would do a different theme for my blog!!! Like maybe tomorrow I will work on a Georgie(Lucy) theme...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I changed my blog look! It is definitely my favorite!! :)

I had so much fun at Anna Beth's house yesterday!!!!!

My favorite picture!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA BETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got my dream life game yesterday, it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love going shopping on there!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hope everyone had a GREAT 4th of July!!
It rained here. But by night it was gone and we were able to see our park's firework show from our street! It was great!

Tomorrow I am going to Anna beth's house. (By the way she comes to my blog now!) I can't wait! It is her 13th birthday tomorrow!!!!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I can't wait for 4th of July!!

I ordered a game called Dream Life. I can't wait to get it!! I should get it late this week or next...... Does anyone have it??? It sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I was going to do this a long time ago but here it is!

01. What time is it? 9:21 AM
02.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Prince caspian!
03.Diamonds or Pearls? I like both but I will have to pick Diamonds
04.What is your favorite tv show? Wizards of Waverly place
05.What did you have for breakfast? A granola bar
06. What is your middle name? Mackenzie
07.What is your favorite cuisine? Hmm... I don't know
08.What foods do you dislike? Tuna fish
09.What are your favorite chips? Fritos, Doritos and Potato chips.
10.What is your favorite CD at the moment? My camp rock Cd!!
11.What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive.
12.Favorite Sandwich? Hot turkey and cheese or Grilled cheese.
13.What are characteristics you can't stand? Umm.. I am not really sure.
14.What are your favorite clothes? Jeans and a T shirt
15.If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go? To any beach- I love going to the beach!
16.Where would you want to retire? At home
17.Favorite time of day? 1:30 probably
18.Where were you born? Mississippi
19.What is your favorite sport to watch? Probably Ice skating or Gymnastics.
20.Coke or Pepsi? Coke
21.Beavers or ducks? Beavers!
22.Are you a morning person or a night owl? Either. I like to wake up early and go to bed late!
23.Pedicure or manicure? hmm.. Manicure.
24.What did you want to be when you were little? Veterinarian.
25.What is your best childhood memory? I have too many to name.
26.Ever been to Africa? No
27.Ever been toilet papering? No
28.Been in a car accident? No
29.Favorite day of the week? Mondays and Fridays
30.Favorite Restaurant? Vannelis or Danvers
31.Favorite flower? Roses
32.Favorite ice cream? Chocolate peanut butter or bubble gum
33.Favorite fast food restaurant? Mcdonalds or Danvers
34.How many times did you fail your drivers' test? I haven't taken it yet.
35.From whom did you get your last E-mail? Emily
36.Which store would you chose to max out your credit card? Limited too
37.Last person you went to dinner with? My whole family, my aunt and my uncle, and my grandmother. 9 people total!
38.What are you listening to right now? The TV
39.What is your favorite color? Green and Purple
40.How many tattoos do you have? None
41.How many are you sending this e-mail to? I am not emailing it.
42.Favorite Magazine? American girl, probably.
43.Coffee or Tea? Coffee!
44.Do you tan easily or burn easily? Burn, It is impossible for me to get a tan.
45.Do you color your hair? No
46.What was the first car you ever purchased without the help of your parents? I don't drive.
47.What is your most dreaded household chore? Cleaning the bathrooms or Vacuuming
48.Do you like life?YES!
49.Is there anyone that you just can't stand? Not really
50.Are you anxious about tomorrow? Not really.