Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kreativ Blogger

Olivia gave me the Kreativ Blogger award!! Thanks Olivia!
Now, I'm supposed to type 6 random things about me....
1. I love to sew, but I am not good at it! Several times I have started a project, but stop paying attention(I'll be watching TV or something), and mess it completely up. Even if I do pay attention, I'm still not good.
2. I think crocheting is much easier, then sewing. I have made several purses, pouches, and doll rugs.
3. Sometimes I get in a mood where I write stories. I work on them so much, then get sick of it...and say I'll work on it some more later....but never do. I have about 5 that I have started but never finished.
4. My favorite birthday was my 13th. I had Emily and Leslie over. Then we went to see Prince Caspian. It was SOO fun, and one of my favorite days ever!!!!
5. My favorite day of the week is Monday. Mondays are piano, and once a month, Keepers!!!
6. My least favorite chore to do, is cleaning the bathrooms. :P
Now I have to tag 6 people

1 comment:

Three Sisters Blog said...

Happy Autumn!!! :)

~3 sisters