Friday, September 28, 2007

Fabulous Friday!

Wow!! I haven't posted since Sunday!! I want to tell you about our week.. then about what we did today. Monday we went to piano. Wednesday we went to the track with Hailey and Logan. Our mom's walked for a long time! About 6 miles!! We all talked about Webkinz. Madeline and Logan talked about trading a grill and a scooter, and Hailey and I just talked. Some of it was about Webkinz. Then today we went to the park with Hailey, Logan, and my friend Raeley.
We stayed for a while! Then we went out to eat!! Hailey and Raeley are both going to come to my blog soon.
I can't believe it's the weekend!! Tomorrow at 10:00 (in the morning) I'm going to meet Hailey on Webkinz.
Oh and by the way, my mom gave me her camera so I should me posting more pictures!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mom's Paintings......

My Mom is an excellent artist!! She has an Etsy shop. She has painted several pictures with acrylic paint. Here are some of my favorites.. (I'll post more later)

This one she painted for Luke's room. Isn't it beautiful???

This is my favorite. It's soo beautiful!! I love it!!

Here is another one I love! It's sooo pretty!! It's an interesting abstract!

I'll write more and post more pictures later.

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Some good websites to check out....

Here are some good sites to check out. All of them I play on regularly or one of my sisters does.

Adopt me A good site for smaller kids. My almost 3 year old brother and my almost 7 year old sister love this.

Groovy Girls A good site where you create a character and talk with other girls, but you can't pick what you say so it's safe.

The Disney Channel website A site where you can play games.That's a fun site.

And one of my favorites, Webkinz!! You have to have the stuffed animal to play it. Madeline and I both play it. There are so many things you can do. Cook, go to a clubhouse, play games, and watch TV!!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Dinner Last Night.........

Yesterday Madeline and I went to piano. The have 2 girls our age, so I play with them while Madeline does her lesson and the other way around. When we got home Mom told us what we were having. I couldn't wait!!
This was our dinner last night. Fried chicken, homemade biscuit, purple hull peas, apple butter to go on our biscuits, a fresh tomato from Grandmother's garden, and chow-chow.
Chow-chow is like a relish you put on your peas. It is soo yummy!!
Our dinner last night was yummy too!!! I haven't had fried chicken in a while!! Have a good Tuesday!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Weekend and the Naming of my Webkinz....

This weekend was so much fun! We shopped, played on the computer, and ate all the delicious things Grandmother brought us!!
Friday Madeline and I got our turn to shop. We had so much fun! We got several new outfits. I didn't have any new shoes though because my feet are hard to buy for. My feet are narrow and I wear a 7-8. So Friday I didn't get any shoes. But then before Grandmother left on Saturday, we went shoe shopping again. Finally I got 2 pairs.
Anyway now to the Webkinz. It took me until about Friday to decide. I loved Alaina's suggestion about Milly. I also loved Abigail's suggestion of Molly. So I have decided on the name. It's....... Milly-Molly! Isn't it cute??! But I loved the name Ellia, so on, my elephant's name is Ellia. Milly-Molly. I love it! Thanks for the help everyone!

I hope everyone had a good weekend! Good luck this week with school!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I Got A Webkinz!!!

We were gonna go shopping tomorrow but this morning we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast so we decided to go while we are out there. We shopped for Lainey and Luke today. Tomorrow is Madeline and I get our turn to shop!
Well anyway we went to Limited Too to see if they had Webkinz. They did but not an elephant. It had an adorable monkey(which I almost got) and a hippo that I loved. Madeline LOVED the cheetah. Since they didn't have an elephant we went to Hallmark. The elephant was the first thing I saw! Madeline got the cheetah and I got the elephant.
So we went on and played for a little while. But when I got off I thought of something. THE NAME!! I can't thing of a name. I already have an elephant named Ellie.
Please leave a comment saying which name you like. I really can't thing of any. I really am open to any suggestions. I have thought of Ellia, but I don't know.
Now here's a picture of my elephant.

I love elephants! They are my favorite animals!

Please leave a comment!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deserted island questions.....

If I were on a deserted island what food would I take? I have thought about this and I think that I've decided. Jello would be really good! When I'm sick or have had surgery I eat Jello for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Besides water what drink would I take? That question is easy- Sprite! I love Sprite! When I'm sick or have had surgery I drink Sprite! Jello and Sprite!

Which pet would I take? Ella would kill the mice, snakes, and lizards. Cooper would defend me from any other danger. But I would take Ella. She sleeps with me at night and I pet her until I fall asleep. I love her alot!

Which family member would I take? I don't think I can answer that question. I would hate to be away from any of them!

Which three things would I take? My TV(for the weather), my computer(to Email somebody and blog!), and my bed(Kind of silly but it would keep my warm, and I could hide under the covers!).

If I could only bring one outfit which one would I take? Probably sweat pants or jeans and a T-shirt.

Feel free to answer these questions on your blog!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Blog Makeover

Today my mom gave my blog a makeover, since we don't have school this week. I LOVE it!! It has really pretty colors. It took us a while deciding on the colors and patterns. The makeover took us about 2 hours. I'm glad for a change. My T-shirt in the profile matches the colors of the background. Mom's blog got a change too.
The flower with my name on it we got from Image Chef. There was alot of cute options.

Purse Pictures

Here's an adorable purse picture my mom did a few years ago. All my sisters have one.
I love this purse. I want to get another one soon!
My mom is a really good painter! I'll post some pictures soon. She has painted several flowers and abstract paintings. She has opened an Etsy shop. I love my mom's paintings!!
She has done this cute pictures for friends too. They love them! In this picture she just used paint.
In this purse she used scrapbook paper...........

This purse was done for my friend Claire. I really like that one!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

My weekend

We have several things we are going to do this week. First of all this week we are off from school! Tomorrow we have to go to Piano lessons. Our Grandmother is coming sometime this week too. She lives in Nashville. I can't wait for her to be here!
It rained all weekend, so we didn't swim. We stayed inside most of the weekend.
This weekend I also went to a sleepover. That was fun!
Hope you all had a good weekend!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Pictures of Cooper

Here are some funny pictures of Cooper...

Cooper wearing my American Girl's bonnet.

Cooper in our plants...

Cooper playing in the sprinklers. It was a hot day so it must have felt good!

Hope you enjoyed!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Answer to True or False post....

This will be a short post. Here's the answer to the True or False questions.......#5 was false.
I wish I had my own room!
I'll have to do some harder ones next time!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

True or False

Which is false?

#1 I love to draw

#2 I play on the computer all the time

#3 I love Disney Channel

#4 I have 2 pets

#5 I have my own room

#6 I play piano

#7 I love elephants

# 8 My favorite foods are potato soup and mashed potatoes

# 9 I like High School Musical 2 better than the 1st one

#10 I watch Ned's Declassified all the time

Leave me a comments saying which one is false. I'll post the answer soon.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

4 more months until Christmas!

Can you believe it? It seemed like only last month was Christmas!! It's going to be Christmas before you know it!!
This summer has gone by fast!! I don't think I'm ready for the cold weather! I want to be able to swim! It starts getting cold here in October. The weather here in the winter gets to 20 degrees but in the summer it gets over 100! It never snows though here. We might get a little but not enough to play in!

*UPDATE* Sorry it's only 4 months until Christmas. It's going to be 3 months at the end of this month!