Friday, September 28, 2007

Fabulous Friday!

Wow!! I haven't posted since Sunday!! I want to tell you about our week.. then about what we did today. Monday we went to piano. Wednesday we went to the track with Hailey and Logan. Our mom's walked for a long time! About 6 miles!! We all talked about Webkinz. Madeline and Logan talked about trading a grill and a scooter, and Hailey and I just talked. Some of it was about Webkinz. Then today we went to the park with Hailey, Logan, and my friend Raeley.
We stayed for a while! Then we went out to eat!! Hailey and Raeley are both going to come to my blog soon.
I can't believe it's the weekend!! Tomorrow at 10:00 (in the morning) I'm going to meet Hailey on Webkinz.
Oh and by the way, my mom gave me her camera so I should me posting more pictures!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Stacie said...

That sounds like you had so much fun! :)

Autumn said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! It is really cool that your mom gave you her camera. I bet that you will enjoy it!
Hailey and could get your tongue tried up trying to say those names fast! =)

Abigail said...

Sounds like fun!;D