Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Some good websites to check out....

Here are some good sites to check out. All of them I play on regularly or one of my sisters does.

Adopt me A good site for smaller kids. My almost 3 year old brother and my almost 7 year old sister love this.

Groovy Girls A good site where you create a character and talk with other girls, but you can't pick what you say so it's safe.

The Disney Channel website A site where you can play games.That's a fun site.

And one of my favorites, Webkinz!! You have to have the stuffed animal to play it. Madeline and I both play it. There are so many things you can do. Cook, go to a clubhouse, play games, and watch TV!!

Have a great week!


Madeline said...

I love these sites especially Webkinz!!
Love your sister,

Abigail said...

I'd have to ask my mom if I could get on these lol...

Abigail said...

Kate I am in fourth grade. I started a year earlier than I was supposed too lol... I'm still gonna ask my mom about the websites though.

Autumn said...

Wow! You visit a lot of sites! I pretty much just blog.
I have a neoptet cat. I got it when they are were brand new. Like 5 years ago! I never do anything with it.

Autumn said...

Stace's adress is
I think that is right!
Thanks! Can you invite me to Maddy's blog too?