Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deserted island questions.....

If I were on a deserted island what food would I take? I have thought about this and I think that I've decided. Jello would be really good! When I'm sick or have had surgery I eat Jello for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Besides water what drink would I take? That question is easy- Sprite! I love Sprite! When I'm sick or have had surgery I drink Sprite! Jello and Sprite!

Which pet would I take? Ella would kill the mice, snakes, and lizards. Cooper would defend me from any other danger. But I would take Ella. She sleeps with me at night and I pet her until I fall asleep. I love her alot!

Which family member would I take? I don't think I can answer that question. I would hate to be away from any of them!

Which three things would I take? My TV(for the weather), my computer(to Email somebody and blog!), and my bed(Kind of silly but it would keep my warm, and I could hide under the covers!).

If I could only bring one outfit which one would I take? Probably sweat pants or jeans and a T-shirt.

Feel free to answer these questions on your blog!


Abigail said...

That's cool, I might do it on My blog.

Hailey said...

Neat, but Jello and Sprite?