Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today, I went to the orthodontist. Everything was good and I don't have to go back for another year! That will be my last appointment! But, I still have to wear my nighttime retainer, and I have a wire on the back of my bottom teeth. My orthodontist said that he will never tell me not to wear the retainer, but he wants me to wear it at least 4 or 5 more years. And as for the wire(It keeps my bottom teeth from shifting), I have to wear it until I just can't stand it. That's also a couple more years.... Luckily neither of them bother me. The wire, at first, was annoying and felt prickly, but now I don't notice it. And wearing the retainer at night has just become a habit so I am used to that.

Also, Madeline had an eye appointment today. Apparently her eyesight has gotten worse, and needs new glasses. She has had the pair that she wears now since she was 6 or 7. So, today she went and picked out a pair. They are black with white flowers on the sides. She will get them Monday or Friday.

Tomorrow is Celebration Village! This will be my third time to go. I am going with my mom and my Aunt Meg. I can not wait! Celebration Village is one of my favorite things about October! :O)

And Saturday is The Race for the Cure and park day! My mom and dad are running the race, then we go to park day. This is the first Saturday park day, so I hope some people come!!


Julie said...

We're running too!! I hope I see you there!!!

Ashley said...

i am going to celebration village tomorrow too!!! maybe i will see you !!

Autumn said...

I'm still wearing my retainer too, for all of the time. I can't wait to stop!
Your sisters new glasses sound really cute.