Tuesday, July 22, 2008

100th post!

Yay! It is my 100th post!

So here is 100 things about me!

1. My favorite movie is Narnia

2.Everyone knows that.

3. It is my favorite book series.

4.I have read those books forever!

5.I can't wait for Prince Caspian to come out on DVD

6. I have money saved up for it even though it will come out around Christmas.

7. I am getting it the day it comes out.

8. I taught myself how to change my blog look.

9. I learned to do it in less then 5 minutes!

10. I like to redo my look ALOT!

11.I am NEVER EVER EVER going to ride in another air plane again.

12. I found it miserable.

13. I am scared of heights.

14.VERY scared

15.I love to play video games.

16. and on the computer.

17. I thought I was going to hate Camp Rock

18. But I actually loved it!

19. Not as much as Narnia though.

20. I loooooove the music on Camp Rock.

21.My whole family loves listening to it in the car.

22. I love all of the songs

23. Except for Hasta La Vista and What is Takes

24. I am excited for Camp Rock 2!

25. I really like Demi Lovato

26. and Selena Gomez.

27. I think the summer has gone by fast!

28. I love having friends over to swim.

29. That's my favorite thing about summer.

30. But I like the fall because I start back piano lessons.

31.I had a recital in May.

32. I was VERY nervous.


34.I want to go back to Disney World with my friends when I am 18.

35. I think it would be fun.

36. We are going to Texas in August

37.This is my 2nd time to go there.

38. I can't wait.

39. Our great friends' live there

40. It is going to be a 12 hour drive.

41. But I don't mind.

42. One of my favorite places to go it Nashville.

43. I have been there twice.

44. I loooove going to Nashville's mall.

45. I love emailing

46. This August my blog will be 1 year old!

47. I am not good at handwriting

48. I prefer typing! lol

49. I am not good at drawing either

50. But I like drawing

51. I have had several cats

52.My first one was a black cat named Lucy

53. I was about 5 or 6

54. We were going to pets mart just to look

55. I saw her and begged for her.

56. So we got her.

57. When we got home I didn't like her

58. She was too scary LOL

59. So the next day we took her back.

60. Then we got a Calico

61. She was very mean.

62. Then a neighbor came and asked to adopt her,

63. We let him

64. Then we got Milo

65. I loved him

66. We was really sweet

67. But then another neighbor came over one night.

68. He apologised and said he ran over him.

69. I was really really sad.

70. Then one night my mom found Ella.

71. She fed her hot dogs and milk.

72. We have had her for several years

73. She is still not a tame cat.

74. and tried to claw you if you hold her.

75. We got Cooper last summer.

76. My mom spent all last summer training him

77. He is a really well behaved dog.

78. But he still doesn't get alone with Ella.

79. My grandmother wants to adopt a boxer from the same breeder as Cooper.

80.I have had 2 hermit crabs

81. One I got for my 7th birthday

82. It was a one with a colored shell.

83. I named it PJ

84. I never even got pinched :)

85. Then I bought another one named Sam from Pet's Mart

86. PJ seemed to bully Sam lol

87.But I liked PJ the best

88. Lainey was apparently throwing Sam around with her friend when he got squished.

89.PJ lived about a year or two.

90.When I am older I want to be a Designer

91.Or an Actress

92.I keep a book full of my designs

93.When I was younger I wanted to be a veterinarian

94. I even planned having a 'Pet Shop' with my friends.

95. And when I was even younger I wanted to be an artist

96. I am running out of things to say

97.So I will do a few random things

98.My favorite candy is Rolos

99. and My favorite numbers are 13 and 18

100. I am finally done! lol


Abigail said...

lol, I think that I missed my hundredth post. and my fiftieth, but that's okay. Collin started a new blog. I didn't know that there is going to be a Camp Rock 2!!! I bet It will be good!

Autumn said...

What kind of a designer do you want t be? I used to want to be an interior designer. I have a folder full of rooms that I drew.

I also like to draw..but I'm not good at it.

You have had a lot of pets!