Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here is my review of Dream Life

It is fun and addicting. If I start playing I could play for 3 hours.
It is awesome how you get to go to the mall and buy anything you want.
You get to have a 'Best friend'
The bad thing is that you do about the same thing everyday:Wake up, do chores, go to school(You don't get to see yourself do school time just passes), then go to the mall or go home and study.
Some of the clothes look really weird and there are not very good hair-do options.
If you play for long enough your friends start saying the same thing.


Hannah said...

Hey Kate!
I really like your blog!
Do you have any pets?
Is it ok if I put you on my links?

Lots of love, Hannah :D

Hannah said...

Hey again Kate!
Yes you are right the are m&ms good job:D And Thank you for letting me put your blog on my links! I Accidentally rejected you comments so if you could wright the comments again on my blog! Sorry about that!!!!!!!!!

LYLAS, Hannah