Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I have ALOT to say!
First of all Thursday we had Park Day with our homeschool group. It was about 67 degrees!
Then Friday we got ALOT of snow!! It started about 3 and started sticking at about 8 PM! We had snowball fights and made 2 snowmen!!
Then Saturday my Aunt Amy took us out to eat! It was soo fun! I tried on 2 dressed (really fancy) just for fun. And then I went to Wal-Mart to buy Maddy's present (her 10th birthday is this Friday!!!)
Then Today I went to a babysitting class! Raeley and my other friend Catline is in it! But we were split up because they do those things 1-2-3 and I was in the 1 group. But the girls in my group were SOOO nice! I had fun! And then Lunch was provided so me and the other girls sat together! (we have another class tomorrow!!) Today's class was 8:30 Am to 3 PM but tomorrow's is 8:15 to 3:30!! I can't wait!!!!

Have a GREAT spring break!

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Snowball fights are always fun!