Friday, April 25, 2008

This Tuesday...

Hey Everybody!
This Tuesday was GREAT!
Mom had a book club meeting at out house. So dad had to take us out from 6:45-9:00. So first Dad took us to Baskin Robbins. I had a delicious Chocolate and Peanut Butter swirl.
Then I really really wanted to go to Books-A-Million. But first we went to TJ Max.
Then We walked down to Books-A-Million.. I was in a dream!! There was loads of Narnia/Prince Caspian stuff! I could not resist! I had about $30. I got the Prince Caspian book with Pictures from the movie. I also got a sticker book and it had posters and Stickers of the kids.. (Prince Caspian, Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan.) Lainey got a Webkinz and Maddy got the Enchanted book.
And then we went to Toys R Us. I saw an Edmund action figure and I just had to get it!!! And Luke got a Tool Belt which he is ALWAYS wearing :D

I am excited about the weekend... and I can't wait for Prince Caspian!!!

Have a great weekend!


Autumn said...

I like Books-A-Million too! I have never been to Baskin Robbins though.

Autumn said...

I like Books-A-Million too! I have never been to Baskin Robbins though.