Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We have been SO busy!!!
I'll start off with a few Friday's ago. We had some friends over(that's when I took my profile picture :O) ). It was so funnn.

Then I helped with " Rock the Block" for our church. It was like VBS. But it was outside. I helped with the 4 and 5 year old girls. ;) And it was at my friend, Mackenzie S's house! fun!!! Then on the last night we had a carnival at our church. That was a lot of fun too, and I helped with face painting. :O)

Luke has learned to swim!!!! We have been taking him to swim lessons every day for 2 weeks. His last day is Thursday. He has also had T-ball games twice a week.

We also started achievment tests this morning. It hasn't been too bad. :)

WE ARE GOING TO TEXAS IN JULY! I am sooo excited!! We will spend a few nights with our friends, then go to Sea World with them and spend the night in a hotel. Then we are going back to their house and spend another few nights. :O)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A tag from Martha!

1.what is your fave color? green!
2. do you like watermelon? yeah
3. what is your fave food? potato soup and mashed potatoes!
4. do you have your own room? YES!
5.whats your fave candy? Caramel, rolos, sour patch kids, TONS more!
6. whats your fave animal? elephants
7. do you have a fave book?YES LOTS!
8. whats your fave sport? uhh.. my favorite sport to watch is Gymnastics and ice skating
9. what do you want to be when you grow up? Umm IDK
10. is this tag crazy? no
Who I will tag: everyone!

Tag from Margaret

(1)Do you like coffee? YES!
(2)What is your fave color? Green
(3)What is your fave animal? elephants
(4)What do you want to be when you grow up? UMMM.. IDK
(5)What is your fave food? potato soup!
(6)What is your fave desert? hmm.. cookies and ice cream
(7) What is your fave thing to do on a rainy day? watch movies and eat junk food LOL
(9)Would you rather be inside or outside?BOTH
(10)Is this a wierd tag? no
Who I will tag: anyone that wants to