Thursday, June 26, 2008

I was going to do this a long time ago but here it is!

01. What time is it? 9:21 AM
02.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Prince caspian!
03.Diamonds or Pearls? I like both but I will have to pick Diamonds
04.What is your favorite tv show? Wizards of Waverly place
05.What did you have for breakfast? A granola bar
06. What is your middle name? Mackenzie
07.What is your favorite cuisine? Hmm... I don't know
08.What foods do you dislike? Tuna fish
09.What are your favorite chips? Fritos, Doritos and Potato chips.
10.What is your favorite CD at the moment? My camp rock Cd!!
11.What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive.
12.Favorite Sandwich? Hot turkey and cheese or Grilled cheese.
13.What are characteristics you can't stand? Umm.. I am not really sure.
14.What are your favorite clothes? Jeans and a T shirt
15.If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go? To any beach- I love going to the beach!
16.Where would you want to retire? At home
17.Favorite time of day? 1:30 probably
18.Where were you born? Mississippi
19.What is your favorite sport to watch? Probably Ice skating or Gymnastics.
20.Coke or Pepsi? Coke
21.Beavers or ducks? Beavers!
22.Are you a morning person or a night owl? Either. I like to wake up early and go to bed late!
23.Pedicure or manicure? hmm.. Manicure.
24.What did you want to be when you were little? Veterinarian.
25.What is your best childhood memory? I have too many to name.
26.Ever been to Africa? No
27.Ever been toilet papering? No
28.Been in a car accident? No
29.Favorite day of the week? Mondays and Fridays
30.Favorite Restaurant? Vannelis or Danvers
31.Favorite flower? Roses
32.Favorite ice cream? Chocolate peanut butter or bubble gum
33.Favorite fast food restaurant? Mcdonalds or Danvers
34.How many times did you fail your drivers' test? I haven't taken it yet.
35.From whom did you get your last E-mail? Emily
36.Which store would you chose to max out your credit card? Limited too
37.Last person you went to dinner with? My whole family, my aunt and my uncle, and my grandmother. 9 people total!
38.What are you listening to right now? The TV
39.What is your favorite color? Green and Purple
40.How many tattoos do you have? None
41.How many are you sending this e-mail to? I am not emailing it.
42.Favorite Magazine? American girl, probably.
43.Coffee or Tea? Coffee!
44.Do you tan easily or burn easily? Burn, It is impossible for me to get a tan.
45.Do you color your hair? No
46.What was the first car you ever purchased without the help of your parents? I don't drive.
47.What is your most dreaded household chore? Cleaning the bathrooms or Vacuuming
48.Do you like life?YES!
49.Is there anyone that you just can't stand? Not really
50.Are you anxious about tomorrow? Not really.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Camp Rock

I really loved Camp Rock!!!
I have watched it 3 nights in a row. and LOVED IT! I do not even like the Jonas Brothers but I still liked it because I like Demi Lovato, I think she is a great singer. I did not like the song Too Cool and I think that Tess was annoying.
But I loved the rest of the movie. It was funny. And the music was great. I can not get Play My Music and This is Me out of my head.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Redid my look again!

I redid my look again!

I will be changing my look alot... :)

UPDATE: I did it again! :)
UPDATE AGAIN: REDID it. For the last time!! :0)

Friday, June 13, 2008

A New Look

I redid my blog look! I learned how to do it! I think it was pretty easy!!
I like it alot better!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hey Everyone!!
Yesterday was so fun!!!!!
Anna Beth has a notebook full of Narnia pictures. She is a GREAT ARTIST! She did a wonderful drawing of Mr.Tumnus!!!


Friday, June 6, 2008

Why is it when you are waiting for something it takes forever but when you are NOT ready for something, the time flies by?

Later today Hailey and my friend Anna Beth are coming over to swim. It is only 11:30 and they come at about 1:30.....
Anna Beth is a HUGE NARNIA FAN like me...

Have a great Friday!